Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lexington Loop 2

Today had many different aspects that aren't always normal on a tour. 

It began at breakfast where there seemed to be many nervous parents and anxious students.  As we rode out of town it was obvious that today was the first day for incoming VMI (Virginia Military Institute) freshmen, officially known as Matriculation.  

One of our riders, Walt Mather, attended VMI and was able to provide insight as to what was going to happen and it had to do with haircuts, uniforms and loud encouragement.  As we returned to Lexington he provided a riding tour of the campus (also the home to the George C. Marshall Library). It was impressive, and it was obvious by that time who the incoming students were.  According to Walt it's a culture shock for most, which seems surprising with an institution name that includes "Military."

Most riders did the short option today in anticipation of tomorrow's climb to Peaks of Otter.  The short loop was about 33 miles with four climbs but only totaled about 2,700'. The route was fairly quiet probably because it's Saturday. Lexington is hosting a festival in the downtown area today, so the early and late portion of the route was closed off.  The locals gladly let us through this morning as they were just beginning to set up tents as we left at 7:30.  We had to negotiate the closures on the way back.

Today's SAG stop was at Goshen Pass.  It's a very scenic area along the road with tree covered hills and river in the valley.  The road, and our route, just meandered along this area and was really beautiful.

SAG stop at Goshen Pass

Road surfaces have generally been good.  The last few days have had oil and rock patches making down hills especially tricky with some loose rock.

There have been very few dog issues, two that I have been involved in.  For the most part you yell and the dogs go home.  We rode past a whole pack of coon hounds on Thursday.  Wow!  What a racket! We weren't sure whether they were barking at us or the three rabbits sitting just beyond their reach.

We had rain shortly after noon today, and it continues to thunder and rain.  I think everyone was in by then. Tomorrow has a 40% chance of rain.  If foggy, we won't be able to ride to Peaks of Otter as it is prohibited to bike on the Blue Ridge Parkway under those conditions. We'll manage whatever happens.  There won't be an entry tomorrow as we won't have internet access.

Sunday's Profile
Some of the riders went to a local winery after today's route for a wine tasting.  I had chores to do, so took a pass.  

The tour provided lunch today instead of the normal supper. We, again, patronized one of the local restaurants, Selarno's Family Restaurant, and had another great meal.

Looks like many of you are having a pretty hot weekend. Temperatures have only been in the 80's here but humidity has been quite high.  Skies are usually overcast, so conditions have been manageable.  We'll hope it continues tomorrow.

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