Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Natural Chimneys On Route Today

This would have been a disappointment, but one has to ask how did they do this?  Tear down a whole building but leave the chimneys virtually untouched!

Here are the real Natural Chimneys

The Natural Chimneys are a natural rock structure located near Mt. Solon, Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. The rock "chimneys" formed from limestone that began to accumulate and harden into stone about 500 million years ago when the region was underwater. Over time, enormous upward pressures of magma and widespread geologic upheaval, which created the Appalachian Mountains, combined with erosive forces of water and destroyed weaker layers of stone.  This created the rock towers which are 120 feet above ground level.  

Did You Know?
The Natural Chimneys Park hosts the largest jousting match in the eastern United States the third Saturday in August since 1821?

Today's route was about 52 miles including the ride into the park.  We climbed about 3,527 feet, all rolling hills with the max grade of 12%.

Walt and Jim let me ride with them today.  Both are strong riders.  Walt from Atlanta and Jim from California.  Makes the day pass quick.  We were able to walk to the Beverly Cafe when we arrived, and had an excellent meal.  I had baked ham on a homemade roll that reminded of the rolls our Aunt Verna used to make.

We are in Staunton for two nights, and will be doing loop rides.  We'll find out more at rap tonight.  The area is full of history.  It sounds like some riders are planning time off the bike to take in some of the sites.

We're staying at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.  Pretty nice for a bunch of bikers.  Conveniently located in the downtown area.  The down side is no matter which way we go we'll have to climb out.

The hotel is so nice we wiped down bikes and cleaned chains before bringing them in. Anyone who has cleaned a chain knows what that means.  So, I walked my bike through the lobby (marble floors) and up to the third floor.  Wall coverings are all cream and beige.  Room doors are white.  So, especially if you have kids you know where this is going.  I carefully walked the bike into the room and caught the door with my hand -- yes, my greasy black hand from cleaning the chain.  Big fat grease marks all over the door!  Ugh!  The housekeeping staff happened to be a few doors down and were incredibly understanding.  Said if this was the worst thing they had to clean up today, it would be a good day.

Such is life on the road but I highly recommend the Beverly Cafe and Stonewall Jackson if you're ever in the area.

Today's bike joke by Linda Wilson
When is a bicycle not a bicycle?
A.  When it turns into a driveway

Had this one early today so we could chuckle through the whole route!  Thanks, Linda!


  1. Aunt Lisa,
    Hi! Are you having fun? Did you get some ice cream during your ride today? Since you are riding in the mountains, has there been any snow? I hope you get lots and lots and lots of strawberry ice cream and I hope you don't get bitten by a copperhead. We saw a smooshed one on our road last night.

    Here's a joke for you: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side, of course.

    Love you,
    sophia and natalie

    1. We are having loads of fun. We get to ride everyday and eat ice cream WHENEVER we want.
      There hasn't been any snow. We'll be higher in the mountains this weekend, but I don't think these mountains are as tall as Colorado, Wyoming or Alaska where they have snow all the time.
      Love your joke! Hope you are liking kindergarten! The kids here started school yesterday, so we've had to watch for school buses in the mornings when we leave.
      Love you,
      Aunt Lisa

  2. Love the travelogue....you do the hills and we just get to enjoy!!

    Sophia and Natalie...I like your joke!
