Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Name of The Game....

Sometimes on a tour the name of the game is "flexibility." Today was one of those days.

The group decided not to climb to the Blue Ridge, cutting the last 30 miles of the Parkway.  The alternate route was 59 miles through the valley.  It included plenty of climbing for the 11th day of the trip (3,000'+).  The route re-traced some sections of previous days, including the turn to go to Mt. Vesuvius.  Some riders took that challenge today.  Kudos to them!

The day started in Natural Bridge and finished in Waynesboro.  We departed at 9 after breakfast back at the Pink Cadillac.  It was a very foggy trip out to the diner this morning for great food and great service.  Staff there works like a well oiled machine.  But, the fog was a problem.  We all paced around the hotel after breakfast waiting for the green light to go.  With lights and yellow attire, it probably wasn't as bad as the day to Peaks of Otter.

Traffic today, though, was quite a bit busier than days past. We must be getting closer to civilization.

It's really funny on these trips.  I have absolutely no concept of logistics.  Someone asked today whether we were riding up river or down -- I had no idea.  BUT, it gave me something to think about on a 14 mile stretch with no turns and no landmarks.  Well the answer was up, after I figured out north, south, east and west.

Then when we pulled into the hotel, I had a text from cousin Ann Ratliff, currently living in DC, about an F15 crash somewhere in the vicinity of today's route.  We really are cocooned out here.

Today's route took us through Buena Vista, Vesuvius, and Stuarts Draft before arriving in Waynesboro.

The goal today was to crank it out and get in, so no photos today (sorry).  Not to mention, I'm sure the spectacular views are getting redundant and the photos absolutely don't do it justice.  You have to come see it for yourself.  Thank you for all your texts and emails with comments about the blog and photos.  I enjoy memorializing this way and being able to share.

Tonight we'll have time to share final thoughts as a group. We already had final rap, the time to discuss tomorrow's route, issues, etc.

We return to Charlottesville tomorrow.  63 miles with one last 4 mile climb to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It's been a great trip but we must focus one more day.  Stay tuned!

Today's joke from Linda Wilson --
Why did the little boy take his bike to bed with him?
A.  Because he didn't want to walk in his sleep!
Thanks, Linda!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Lisa!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip this weekend! Safe travels back west!
